
July 7, 2021 | tags | views
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本公司承接各类国际航空货运服务,根据国际疫情分阶段防控工作的特点,针对国际航空货运能力不足的严峻形势,民航总局于4月3日正式发布《关于疫情防控期间国际航空货运建立审批“绿色通道”的通知》。通知临时调整国际货运飞行计划管理程序,建立审批“绿色通道”,进一步优化工作流程,缩短办理时间,促进国际货运飞行计划顺利高效审批。We propose an arrangement of trucking in Thailand. Our organisation is separated into a few cargo segments of profoundly customized varieties services.

Docshipper Tips: Our trucking services are improved because we will check already all requirements for your payload. For you to send your load with a height protection.

Small or big volume, we deliver everything!
We are also able to carry over-sized goods of immense value or size.

We set out for you the route most suited to your merchandise, to transport your goods on the safest infrastructures.


